04 January, 2021
Post-effects of Covid19 and Chiropractic
Blog:2021 - Post:1
According to mayoclinic.org, the following symptoms and conditions may linger after a Covid19 infection, even if it is a mild infection.
Shortness of breath
Joint pain
Chest pain
Other long-term signs and symptoms may include:
Muscle pain or headache
Fast or pounding heartbeat
Loss of smell or taste
Memory, concentration, or sleep problems
Rash or hair loss
The site continues to explain organ dysfunction caused by the coronavirus.
On Jan 3, 2021, there are over 2 million 500 thousand positive reported cases of coronavirus infection in the United States, with the notation, there are probably more unreported.
Some of the post-infection symptoms Mayo Clinic listed are symptoms Doctors of Chiropractic treat. However, there is a difference in the cause of these conditions and symptoms. Doctors of Chiropractic treat the above symptoms caused by different stresses. The symptoms caused by the virus infection will not respond to the same treatment that symptoms caused by stress do.
If Chiropractors cannot successfully treat the symptoms with a virus etiology, it will significantly erode chiropractic faith. D.C.s using the technique taught by the online State Energy Remedy Academy have successfully treated the symptoms listed by Mayo Clinic regardless of the etiology. Check it out to learn how.
View a video of Chiropractic’s fastest relief, most comprehensive technique, and the State Energy Remedy® Academy curriculum, including a limited-time Introductory offer of 50-75% savings click;https://stateenergyremedyacademy.com/p/home (no credit card necessary)
Ronald Masters II, D.C.
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